Browse Our CAGE Code 52494 Catalog for In-Demand Items

As you explore the catalog that we have established on this page, you will be able to locate a variety of offerings and procurement resources that pertain to CAGE Code 52494. Currently, our selection features popular part numbers like T2B-29-220OHMSPORM1PCT, T2B79-0.0513F, 7060 600OHMPORM0.1PCT, L03-0.05OHMPORM3PCT, L21 179, and numerous others from White Consolidated Industries Inc that are specifically associated with this CAGE Code. Meanwhile, you can always reference the various information that is provided at the top of the page if you would like to know more about this business.

Integrated Military Parts is a website owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, a trusted distributor and CAGE Code 52494 supplier that upholds quality and customer satisfaction at the forefront of operations. When you choose to purchase parts on this website, you can rest easy knowing that our staff will treat you to highly competitive pricing, convenient delivery options, and a full assurance of quality. We are also just a call or email away from answering any pricing inquiries or requests that you may, so be sure to reach out at your convenience. With all of this in mind, continue exploring our CAGE Code 52494 inventory today for everything your projects demand.

Address : 707 ROBINS ST. CONWAY, AR, 72034-6565 UNITED STATES
Status : F Type : A Woman Owned : N Business Type : N
Business Size : E Primary Business : J CAO Code : S4402A ADP Code : HQ0339
Manufacturer: White Consolidated Industries Inc

Part Numbers List for CAGE Code 52494

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Part Number Item Name NSN FSC RFQ
T2B-29-220OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-191-1991 5905 RFQ
T2B79-0.0513F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-260-7668 5905 RFQ
7060 600OHMPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-782-1508 5905 RFQ
L03-0.05OHMPORM3PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-240-2994 5905 RFQ
L21 179 delayline 5999-01-094-4882 5999 RFQ
ALN10-0-08OHM10WPORM5PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-243-2872 5905 RFQ
7007-474P0RM0-5PCT3PPM resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-068-7435 5905 RFQ
R342-7.1KPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-082-4315 5905 RFQ
4060-26R8OHMPORM-5PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-017-9647 5905 RFQ
R820-10362C resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-931-1768 5905 RFQ
7020R-18002 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-549-7213 5905 RFQ
E30-1002B5PPM resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-214-1347 5905 RFQ
8001-2700HMSP0RM5PCT resistor thermal 5905-00-416-3521 5905 RFQ
21-CCB-6-J switch rotary 5930-01-157-0596 5930 RFQ
7007-4466OHMSPORM0.2PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7898 5905 RFQ
R2954-251 resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-093-2363 5905 RFQ
7007-18OHMPORM1PCTP5900PPM resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-009-7543 5905 RFQ
7001-499OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-021-0935 5905 RFQ
T2C400-1PCT resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-00-611-2994 5905 RFQ
7009A96972BP0RM10 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-494-5458 5905 RFQ
T1-2 1001B2PPM resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-159-6529 5905 RFQ
L 21 332 delayline 5999-01-089-9664 5999 RFQ
R343-986.3OHMSPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-022-1893 5905 RFQ
R1104-5.887KPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-8000 5905 RFQ
A2408-163 fuse cartridge 5920-00-168-8069 5920 RFQ
7050A1KPORM0-05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-127-9316 5905 RFQ
T5-10KOHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-173-1051 5905 RFQ
R2520A9-31OHM-0-1PCT-2-25W resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-147-6106 5905 RFQ
7004-90900F resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-166-3548 5905 RFQ
4060-10000P0RM0-1PCT resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-162-9708 5905 RFQ
7020R-600R0F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-112-6760 5905 RFQ
T2B-79-10.7KOHMPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-031-9767 5905 RFQ
7001-64-9OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-021-0928 5905 RFQ
L03-0R01OHMPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-250-5802 5905 RFQ
7001-14R00F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9683 5905 RFQ
7001-1R500F resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-013-9669 5905 RFQ
T2-0.1OHMPORM3PCT0.7W resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-065-6897 5905 RFQ
7001-15R00F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9684 5905 RFQ
B5C-50OHMSPORM5PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-199-7062 5905 RFQ
R-579-4 resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-116-8914 5905 RFQ
PS610 battery storage 6140-01-111-6379 6140 RFQ
7004-93100F resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-167-1657 5905 RFQ
L-26-06 delay line 5999-01-125-1569 5999 RFQ
T1-2 1KP0RM1PCT2500PPM resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-082-4272 5905 RFQ
T-2A 1KOHM 1PERCENT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-401-6671 5905 RFQ
7006-16.8OHMPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-064-5657 5905 RFQ
7007-4536OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-040-7900 5905 RFQ
7060-90KIL0HMSP0RM-01PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-930-2407 5905 RFQ
7007-1052OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-8687 5905 RFQ
7001-19R00F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9688 5905 RFQ
7020-20KPORM0-005PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-052-9068 5905 RFQ
7007-7710OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-8690 5905 RFQ
T3-18R0F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-503-8725 5905 RFQ
R1117-2051.2KILOMSPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-102-7700 5905 RFQ
4060-20-39OHMPORM0-1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-066-6231 5905 RFQ
7007-947000HMP0RM0-2PCT resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-434-9633 5905 RFQ
T2B-79-2OHMPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-405-3734 5905 RFQ
R342-887OHMPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-918-7615 5905 RFQ
7006-20K0HMP0RM0-5PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-020-0133 5905 RFQ
4060-12401B resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-005-3399 5905 RFQ
NR1511 thermocouple heatin 6685-01-011-9088 6685 RFQ
7001-16R00F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9685 5905 RFQ
L-01-28 delayline 5999-01-049-3519 5999 RFQ
7001-14000F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-020-9021 5905 RFQ
T1-2 6191F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-459-0291 5905 RFQ
7007-548.5KOHMPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-064-3957 5905 RFQ
E20-10KOHMSPORM0.01PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-035-7392 5905 RFQ
R342-611-1110HMPORM0-1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-476-5712 5905 RFQ
7005-25-9K0HM resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-037-4641 5905 RFQ
7050-4OHMSPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-101-4512 5905 RFQ
R1116-64A6A11-9000R0A21 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-903-4191 5905 RFQ
7006-864OHMSPORM0-5PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-017-3122 5905 RFQ
T3-27-18KOHMPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-841-1748 5905 RFQ
7004-84500F resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-166-3545 5905 RFQ
T2C1000OHMSPORM3PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-007-9262 5905 RFQ
7006-272OHMSPORM0-25PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-018-2750 5905 RFQ
7001-100R0F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-021-0931 5905 RFQ
7004-94200J resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-496-7540 5905 RFQ
8001-1800HMSP0RM5PCT resistor thermal 5905-00-418-3079 5905 RFQ
B-3-ER0.010OHMPORM2PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-026-0357 5905 RFQ
7007-78100HMP0RM0-2PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-434-9632 5905 RFQ
7007-1730OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7910 5905 RFQ
7007-3-3K3PPMP0RM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-429-7555 5905 RFQ
7007-690HMP0RM0-2PCT resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-481-1447 5905 RFQ
14-RM-3 switch rotary 5930-00-615-5011 5930 RFQ
T2A-22 K OHM 1 PERCE resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-484-7866 5905 RFQ
R820-345R0C resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-929-0413 5905 RFQ
R1116-1680KIL0HMSP0RM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-5250 5905 RFQ
R820-455R0C resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-928-8027 5905 RFQ
7006-5.6160HMPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-445-3427 5905 RFQ
7004-32R0B resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-025-8913 5905 RFQ
7006-17.99OHMSPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-445-3073 5905 RFQ
7009-14-97KP0RM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-563-8167 5905 RFQ
T2B-79-125OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-139-9570 5905 RFQ
7004-1R00B resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-025-8912 5905 RFQ
7007-4527OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7899 5905 RFQ
8001-5600HMSP0RM5PCT resistor thermal 5905-00-418-3080 5905 RFQ
7007-1072OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-042-1160 5905 RFQ
7007-4572OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7905 5905 RFQ
L-23-63 delay line 5999-01-101-1683 5999 RFQ

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